Monday, January 19, 2015

21 Day Fix: Day 1

Today was my first day with the 21 Day Fix. Let me tell you, it is no joke! My legs were on fire even before half the workout! But I stayed strong, 'cause I know something was right here! I can now see how people are getting these amazing results in such short time and I just can't wait to see mine! I currently use 8 lbs dumbbells, but if this is your first time ever working out, I highly suggest you start off with at least 5 lbs max and work your way up. Even with 8 lbs, it was getting difficult for me. Don't hesitate if you feel the need to modify your moves, even I who have done a few programs was having a hard time. Also, if you feel the need to press pause for a few more seconds, do so and catch your breath, drink some water. 

As far as the meal plan, I am trying to add variety throughout the week. For breakfast, Shakeology all the time. Saves me a lot of time and I don't have to try and figure out what to have for breakfast every time, yet I can still play with it and do different flavors every day to spice it up. For a snack, I had spinach and kale leaves (green container) and hummus spread (blue container). Here is a picture of some groceries I did the day before to start me off on the right foot. 

Also, I am keeping track of my water intake. I found this simple water bottle at Target for under 2 bucks that measures in all forms of volume. PERFECT!

This is the beginning of forming healthier habits!

Friday, January 16, 2015

Be The Light!

Aren't these daisies beautiful? I bet they've seen a lot of rain in their lifetime, but everyday the sun comes out to remind them there is hope and to help them grow. They turn to the sun because it makes them feel like there is a purpose. They know that just by growing and bringing out the beauty in themselves they are giving back to the sun.

You know, there are so many beautiful things happening today, whether we see them or not. Whether it's taking place in our personal lives today or not, it's happening somewhere. As long as the sun is still shining, there is hope, there is growth. God is our light. He shines his light on us every day, He provides for us with no limits, and He asks for nothing in return. He doesn't underestimate any one of us, He knows what we can become, and treats us all sinners indifferently. All He wants is to save us, to help us find ourselves and grow.

In the darkness that sometimes surrounds us, imagine we all lived giving off this light? What a bright world we would live in! Tell yourself from this day forward, you will be someone's light. You will help someone grow, give someone direction,  you will bring out the life in them, and that itself will be your greatest reward. Just as these daisies are attracted to the sun, people will be attracted to you because of what you give off and most importantly because of your unconditional love and friendship.

Happy Friday everyone! 

Thursday, January 15, 2015

1st Challenge of 2015: 21 Day Fix!

First of all, I want to wish you all a happy and healthy new year to you and your family! Now, we all know the new year is full of promises (you know, those we make), some we keep, some we don't. Why is that? Isn't it time we make a goal and we stick to it?! Well let me tell you, this new year I will challenge myself in so many levels, and I am just so excited to see how much I can accomplish in 365 days! I challenge you to do the same! 

I received this small yet valuable package by mail, my 21 Day Fix program. As a coach, I've done other Beachbody programs, but I've been wanting to do this one FOR-EVER. Something would always come up, but as I said, I'm starting this new year with no excuses ;) . And I invite you to join me! 

Ok, so as a first timer with the 21 Day Fix, as I read the whole meal plan, I was afraid I would get all confused about filling up every container, not eating as much as I need for the day, and putting them together to make meals. I guess I was just too excited and thinking it out too much! So what I did was the following..

I went through each container's options, starting by the first one on the book. I ran down the list and typed out each one that I KNEW I would eat realistically (not the ones that I knew would be sitting in my fridge or counter). Then, I highlighted the column and I did the same for all. For Teaspoons, I highlighted grey. Above each column, I put the amount of containers I need to fill, or how many servings I needed of each for the day depending on the calories. I even went as far as typing everything else such as free foods, treats, etc. that I would like. That helped me minimize the list, and see everything more clearly to my liking (as I can be picky!). That way, when I went to create a meal plan I had everything in front of me at a glance instead of having to go through pages back and forth.  

Also, if someone else is doing it with you, like your spouse, you can just change the numbers to meet his calorie target. I've got to remember I have kids and a husband (how can I not?!), and I have to make sure these are things they will eat as well. So, I can simply have my husband take a look at this and highlight everything he likes on the list. That way, I know that whatever meal I make, it is something we all will eat. 

I am aiming on prepping my food for the week ahead, and if that is what I choose to do I will let you all know how it goes! I have been looking a lot into meal prepping, and it might just be a great thing to do whether or not you are doing this program. Will keep you updated and hope this chart can help some of you! Very excited! :D